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Player registration

Only use your own personal email. In the event you do not have an email address you can create one with for instance gmail.com or outlook.com

Type your full first name like it is in your passport. Check your passport to be sure.

Type your full last name like it is in your passport. Check your passport to be sure.


Registration is only for players of 18 years and older. We do not accept registrations of younger persons

Select your nationality


If you do not see an upload button it means you have no flash player installed. Please use a device that has flash player installed

Why join The Players' Agent?

  • 1

    Contact professional players' agents

  • 2

    Advanced mandate management system

  • 3

    Easy sharing of your player c.v

  • 4

    Find a new job

  • 5

    Useful Articles

  • ThePlayersAgent is a site for Professionals.

    Theplayersagent.com offers established professional football players the opportunity to manage their own careers or to find a new reliable agent. This service is not for non professionals.

    With the tools that the website offers the player can perform some of the tasks that normally the agents does for the player.

    What does it cost?

    The basic fee for this service for professional players is € 30,00 per month (excl. vat.)