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Pedro Miquel Rodrigues Matos Pedro Miquel Rodrigues Matos

Pedro Miquel Rodrigues Matos - Player, Goalkeeper

Date of birth: 14 Oct 1998

Nationality: Portugal

Phone: 935798144

Skype: pedro.matos729

Email: djbl3nddd@hotmail.com

Player looking for club

Transfer fee: login to view
Preferred territory:Preferred territory
Trial conditions:

I played on the grass , as did funding for Sporting and Porto, when he was young

Player represents himself

Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:Pedro Miquel Rodrigues Matos
Birthday:14 Oct 1998 / 25 years old
Last contract expired:01 Jun, 2016
Height / Weight: 180 cm. / 85 kg.
  • Goalkeeper (preferred)


Sep 2016
União Madeira ( Portugal )
02 Jul 2024 - 01 Jun 2016

Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B


11º - Liceu Jaime Moniz

Period: 2024 - 2024

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