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Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

The Romanian players Union AFAN reports that it has become a lot easier for Romanian players to terminate their contracts when a club doesn't pay. Now they can address the national Dispute Resolution Chamber and seeks terminate the contract in the event at least 75% of an amount is at least 90 days due. The curious thing for me however stays the mindset of these clubs who do not have the cash or the will to pay players and still demand that the players perform their part of the deal. it remains remarkable how clubs in many countries have no problem treating players like slaves. Let's face it ' Romanian ' practices are still widespread in football. http://www.afan.ro/2016/03/16/mare-victorie-afan-legea-insolventei-a-fost-modificata-fotbalistii-pot-rezilia-unilateral-contractele/

8 years ago • Link to this post