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Jean Deza has to pay... a lot! Jean Deza is in big trouble. The scandal player who just "disappeared" from PFC Levski Sofia for more than one month now will probably have to pay big damages. The club already claimed with FIFA for financial compensation. Deza who earned around 700 euro per minute played during his stay at Levski, the Peruvian striker was the most expensive Levski player with a monthly salary of 18,000 euro. Most likely the FIFA DRC will order the player to pay Levski an amount equal to the remaining value of his contract. His contract would have expired in June 2018. It is not uncommon that the FIFA DRC will also order the player to pay unamortized costs of commission and replacement costs. Walking out of a club without valid reasons that justify such behaviour is stupid if not very stupid. Deza appears to be a player underestimated the effects of such actions.

7 years ago • Link to this post