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Marko Saranlinna Marko Saranlinna Marko Saranlinna

Patrick Byskata, central midfielder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pExAjUxXM98

9 years ago • Link to this post
David Verwilghen David Verwilghen David Verwilghen


Joueur de football professionnel.

9 years ago • Link to this post
Kassoum Abdoulaye Kassoum Abdoulaye Kassoum Abdoulaye


9 years ago • Link to this post
Norbu Gurung Norbu Gurung Norbu Gurung

I am a young 17 years old footballer in free contract. I just need more training so that I can be a professional footballer. I want to show up and release the skills and the passion that I have for football and give my best.

9 years ago • Link to this post