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Adeniran Adewale Johnson Adeniran Adewale Johnson Adeniran Adewale Johnson

We have very good young players from Nigeria that are ready to test/trial which club in,any part of the world.We are looking for collaboration with serious agents and clubs.

9 years ago • Link to this post
Samson Phiri Samson Phiri Samson Phiri

there a good centre forward here in malawi,mzimba,embangweni his name is victor lungu

9 years ago • Link to this post
Adeniran Adewale Johnson Adeniran Adewale Johnson Adeniran Adewale Johnson

shiba sport concept

9 years ago • Link to this post
a s a s a s

Available for Summer Window

9 years ago • Link to this post
Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

The Bultex tournament has been cancelled unfortunately.

9 years ago • Link to this post