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Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

The CAS suffered a blow yesterday when the Munich court of appeal decided that an arbitration agreement between Claudia Pechstein and the ISU invalid and that it will not recognize the CAS decision. The court ruled that sports federations have a structural advantage over athletes in the selection process of the referee's. An advantage that questions the neutrality of the CAS arbitration. It is not unlikely that football clubs and players will investigate their options and fight C.A.S. decisions in court. http://theplayersagent.com/pdf/20150115-OLG-M%C3%BCnchen-Pechstein_pressemitteilung.pdf

9 years ago • Link to this post
Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

Ajax leads the list of most training oriented clubs. ' The Dutch team has trained 77 players employed by the 468 teams of the 31 leagues included in the analysis. At second and third place are Partizan Belgrade (74 players) and Barcelona (57). This data confirms the outstanding know-how of these clubs in the training of youth players.' according to Issue 100 of the CIES Football Observatory http://www.football-observatory.com/IMG/pdf/wp100_eng.pdf

9 years ago • Link to this post
Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

Journalist Andy Mitten interviewed 3 promising youth players who's career never took of as expected. An interesting read for every young player who thinks that being among the best at age 15 is a guarantee for a successful career. http://tinyurl.com/q8nhthu

9 years ago • Link to this post
Pasquale Mura Pasquale Mura Pasquale Mura
Gols Sérgio Alan 2012

SERGIO ALAN GARCIA BUETTGEN - Brazilian Young Striker with German Passport - 1995 Moren than 350 on the Youth Sector of Figuerense. His nickname is ALANGOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3tkB7tHK-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6c3szma16Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtQMckhEvr0

9 years ago • Link to this post
David Verwilghen David Verwilghen David Verwilghen
Belly Ndayibangutse - Striker - 20/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

Belly Ndayibangutse - Striker - 20/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

9 years ago • Link to this post
David Verwilghen David Verwilghen David Verwilghen
Kevin Plos - Attacking Midfielder - 21/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

Kevin Plos - Attacking Midfielder - 21/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

9 years ago • Link to this post
David Verwilghen David Verwilghen David Verwilghen
Curtis Kabeya - Wing Left / Striker - 20/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

Curtis Kabeya - Wing Left / Striker - 20/07/2014 - Sport Training Management

9 years ago • Link to this post