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Nick Evans Nick Evans Nick Evans
Southampton owe £27m in transfer fees


Director Hans Hofstetter says Southampton must eradicate the financial "burdens" left by the club's previous regime.

10 years ago • Link to this post
Nick Evans Nick Evans Nick Evans

New Southampton director Hans Hofstetter says the club's board has inherited a "difficult financial situation". Hofstetter spoke as the Saints posted a net loss of £7.1m in their annual results for the year ending 30 June 2013. The Saints will enter the summer transfer window owing £27m in outstanding transfer fees. "It is a burden that has to be covered and will be covered," Hofstetter tells BBC Radio Solent.

10 years ago • Link to this post
Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts
AZ signs swedish talent Sakirovski

Despite interest from English moguls like Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester city 17 old FK Malmo striker Zia Sakirovski signed for AZ Alkmaar today. The young goal getter already scored 39 goals in 40 matches this season. In Alkmaar he will start next season with the U19. http://www.az.nl/nieuws/az-legt-zweedse-spits-sakirovski-vast/1?catid=

10 years ago • Link to this post
Nick Evans Nick Evans Nick Evans
Leeds race to pay players' wages


Leeds' owners are in talks with Massimo Cellino and other third parties as they attempt to to fill a wages shortfall.

10 years ago • Link to this post
Nick Evans Nick Evans Nick Evans
From streets of Ghana to World Cup - via Glentoran


The 'Roy of the Rovers' story of how a Belfast club launched the career of a Ghanaian described as the new Michael Essien

10 years ago • Link to this post
Nick Evans Nick Evans Nick Evans
Brilliant Bayern in numbers


Unbeaten since 2012 in the league and scoring nearly three goals a game, a look at Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich in numbers

10 years ago • Link to this post
Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts Matthijs Lambregts

You have a red heart and some spare cash? Yes? Well then this week you have the chance to buy a stake in the Reds. Not the reds from Manchester but the Reds or Army from Sofia. Bulgarian football club CSKA is trying to raise a couple of million on the Sofia stock market. The shares can be purchased via broker Elena Trading. A package of 10 shares will buy you the right to attend the general meeting and to vote. It remains to be seen if this emission will be sufficient to keep Bulgaria's most popular club afloat.

10 years ago • Link to this post