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Player looking for club

Min. net salary: login to view
Transfer fee: login to view
Preferred territory:Preferred territory
Trial conditions:

Player is fit to trial
He can trial for an extended period after his current season ends 23 May 2014 or for a shorter period immediately

Additional information:

Player is single with no dependents
Has a clean medical record

Player details

Name:Momodou Lamin Sawo
Birthday:01 Mar 1994 / 30 years old
Nationality:Gambia, The
Last contract:No data available
Height / Weight: 188 cm. / 78 kg.
  • Box2Box midfielder (preferred)
  • Central attacking midfielder
Player profile:


He is an athletic but also technically gifted player who can play in any position in the midfield but his excellent range of passing and pace make him best suited to a more attacking role.
He is also a proficient dead-ball practitioner and scores goals rom both set-pice and open play.


2 x Gambia U20 Caps 2012
Currently Captain Wallidan FC, Banjul Gambia who are one of biggest teams in the country.
2x CAF Champions League Appearances 2012 (Scored 1 goal)

Other information:



Dec 2013
Wallidan ( Gambia, The )

No professional contracts entered

Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B