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Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi

Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi - Player, Striker

Date of birth: 07 Jul 1994

Nationality: Egypt

Phone: +201064027486

Mobile: +201064027486

Email: bogy246870@gmail.com

Skype: bogy24681

Player looking for club

Min. net salary: login to view
Transfer fee: login to view
Preferred territory:Preferred territory
Trial conditions:

I need to travel, and tickets and accommodation and food

Additional information:

open to all offers

Player represents himself

Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi
Birthday:07 Jul 1994 / 30 years old
Languages:Arabic - English (Some)(Understand it)
Last contract:No data available
Height / Weight: 178 cm. / 78 kg.
  • Striker (preferred)
  • Left - winger
  • Right - winger
Player profile:


Forward ( Striker )

Excellent at goal scoring, assists, and dribbling.


Shooting on goal
Powerfull shot
Spatial awareness
Predictability skills


I have some achievements with teams that played out

Other information:

There are other achievements I've made
I also played in some clubs, now I am a free player
Who wants to see a video of me communicating with me


Sep 2019
Elmansoura ( Egypt )

No professional contracts entered

Sep 2016
Kahroba Talkh ( Egypt )

No professional contracts entered

Sep 2012
Mansoura ( Egypt )

No professional contracts entered

Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B

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Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi Mohamed Abdelhamid elalfi Abdelhamid Bayoumi

good morning, I'm a striker, Born in 1994 I played in the Egyptian league But now I am a free player I want to play in one of the clubs in Europe Greetings to you

7 years ago • Link to this post