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Yuri Mykhtunenko Yuri Mykhtunenko

Yuri Mykhtunenko

Phone: +38096060802481

Email: msv0810@ukr.net

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Yuri Mykhtunenko Yuri Mykhtunenko Yuri Mykhtunenko

Good day I represent my brother's interests Everyone says that the gift of God is in him, but in Ukraine his game is not interesting to anyone We are always told that he is small or plays 1 or 2 touches. But still the best players play 1 or 2 touches. People say that he is very similar to Heinrich Mkhitaryan But I see in it Coutinho and Iniesta If someone interested in his talent,watch his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_UUQmyzeko https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsOTxSmuyzJpGmP93F-YqYc3WkLWSxdcE

5 years ago • Link to this post