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Player details

Name:Rodrigue Nanitelamio
Birthday:15 Feb 1996 / 28 years old
Nationality:Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Languages:English and French
Last contract:No data available
Height / Weight: 195 cm.
  • Left centerback (preferred)
  • Central defensive midfielder
  • Left fullback
Player profile:

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Big, Strong, Aggressive in the Tackle and Aggressive in the Air, Can score Goals when a Target from set plays.
100% committed and hates to lose.


Saison Datum Abgebender Verein Aufnehmender Verein MW Ablöse
17/18 18.09.2017 Forfar Athletic FC Schottland Forfar Athletic PFK Spartak Pleven Bulgarien Spartak Pleven - ablösefrei
17/18 18.08.2017 PFK Spartak Pleven Bulgarien Spartak Pleven Forfar Athletic FC Schottland Forfar Athletic - ablösefrei
15/16 01.12.2015 CF Vilanova i la Geltrú Spanien CF Vilanova PFK Spartak Pleven Bulgarien Spartak Pleven - ablösefrei
14/15 01.12.2014 AS Cannes U19 Frankreich AS Cannes U19 CF Vilanova i la Geltrú Spanien CF Vilanova - ?

Other information:

French Passport



Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B
2017/2018 / Forfar Athletic / League One 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016/2017 / Spartak Pleven / B PFG 5 4 1 1 6 0 2 0 0