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Player details

Name:Sylvian Wijkmans
Birthday:05 Sep 2000 / 24 years old
Languages:Dutch, English
Last contract expired:01 Jan, 2020
Height / Weight: 175 cm. / 70 kg.
  • Left - winger (preferred)
  • Right - winger
  • Striker
Player profile:

Sylvian is a versatile player who enjoys playing on either left or right wing. He has got pace and good eye for goals. He learnt his football playing in dutch academies and now plays for the first team of Kampong in Utretch. We are seeking for opportunities abroad for this talented youngster to showcase his talent in a professional league. Because we believe in this players ability, we are willing to pay the cost for him to visit your club should you request.



Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B