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Daniel wang Daniel wang

Daniel wang

Email: 1484914217@qq.com

Company: Danman Sports International

Work experience

Founder and CEO at Danman Sports Internationl


July 2017 - January 2019

Danman Sports International is a freshly established football consulting firm sophisticatedly focused on providing operation strategy for clubs in China, transferring quality players from overseas to China and managing Chinese young players career. Headquartered in Shanghai, Danman have built solid networks and contacts with a variety of Chinese super league clubs and league one clubs with overseas branch in Argentina.
In the last two years, we have managed to nail offers for big names like Alexandre Pato, Luiz Muriel, Ryan Babel, Cristian Zapata, Juan Cazares and so forth, and we have made a few successful transfers both to super league and league one.
If you are the DIRCET agent of top players, or the management of top european clubs, don't hesitate to contact me. We are more than just a football agency with a business scope of fund-investing, commercial sponsorship and football exchange programs.


MBA - University of British Columbia

Biz Administration

Period: 2014 - 2016

Danman Sports International Players

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