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Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:ovuo Kingsley
Birthday:18 Nov 1993 / 30 years old
Languages:English,Dutch,little french
Last contract expired:28 Jul, 2024
Height / Weight: 175 cm. / 180 kg.
  • Left - winger (preferred)


Jun 2016
Nigeria ( Nigeria )

No professional contracts entered

Match summary

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ovuo Kingsley ovuo Kingsley ovuo Kingsley

serching for an agent in france or neitherlands..i play very good no doubt.i paly both left and right.Am from nigeria and i am currently living legally in luxembourg.i have permit to work anywhere in the eu including eea.

6 years ago • Link to this post
ovuo Kingsley ovuo Kingsley ovuo Kingsley

I'm 24 year old professional player from Nigerian residing in luxembourg.I played attacking mielfielder and outside left wing, I we be glad to have the opportunity to show my talent to the word and also impact it to my team as well.

6 years ago • Link to this post