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Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba

Martin Cordoba - Player, Right fullback

Date of birth: 05 Jul 1995

Nationality: United States

Phone: 5073929185

Mobile: 50763154385

Email: tobino05@hotmail.com

Player represents himself

Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:Martin Cordoba
Birthday:05 Jul 1995 / 29 years old
Nationality:United States
Languages:English and spanish
Last contract expired:01 Jan, 2017
Height / Weight: 193 cm. / 93 kg.
  • Right fullback (preferred)
  • Left centerback
  • Right centerback
Player profile:

Smart strong player, good heading game, strong long distance shot, good defense


1 title in the first division in panama


Mar 2016
Plaza Amador ( Panama )
01 May 2016 - 01 Jan 2017

Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B
2015/2016 / Plaza Amador / LPF 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

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Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba 5 years ago • Link to this post
Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba
Martin Cordoba Panama Videos

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qAMQ2afpJjM Height: 193 cm Weith: 90 kg 23 years Free agent

5 years ago • Link to this post
Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba Martin Cordoba
Martin Cordoba Panama Videos

free agent defense centerback 23 years old 1.95 meters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAMQ2afpJjM

5 years ago • Link to this post