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Player details

Name:Mikel Bueno
Birthday:24 Dec 1993 / 31 years old
Last contract:No data available
Height / Weight: 185 cm. / 77 kg.
  • Centre Forward (target man) (preferred)
  • Striker
Player profile:

Striker who mainly acts as '9' either as a reference or accompanied, and who also can play from behind the the reference striker. The back game is one of its great virtues, it places his body very well to win the position, he is an intelligent striker in terms of game reading and movements, he has a great shot inside the area with either the foot or head and a good long shot. The aerial game is another of his great virtues, besides being a skillful player associating, which allows him to leave his position to oxygenate the second line, playing head-on or opening to the wings to go to the shot. Very responsible, professional and hard-working player, he is an excellent wardrobe partner. Motivated with the aim of grow in your sports career.

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Match summary

Season / Team / Comp T B