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Nasser Matrane Nasser Matrane

Nasser Matrane - Player, Left - winger

Date of birth: 12 Jun 2000

Nationality: United States

Phone: +34691635428

Email: nassermatrane123@gmail.com

Player looking for club

Transfer fee: login to view
Preferred territory:Preferred territory
Trial conditions:


Additional information:

Hey my name is Nasser Matrane I am a 20 year old Moroccan who lives in U.S.A.
I am currently playing for CD Numancia C in Soria, Spain and I want to come trial for your professional team. I play left wing / right wing and I don’t ask for much I just want a chance to prove myself and jump start my career because I have never played for a club before in my life or academy everything I know is from playing on the streets and training on my own and I came to Spain on an open try out and I made the team and hopefully I can do the same with you guys, thank you

Player represents himself

Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:Nasser Matrane
Birthday:12 Jun 2000 / 24 years old
Nationality:United States
Languages:arabic , english
Last contract:No data available
Height / Weight: 176 cm. / 71 kg.
  • Left - winger (preferred)
Player profile:

-Great dribbler and skiller
-Technical ability and ball control
-Leadership and communication
-Excellent long pass and short pass
-Strong and fast
-Good vision
-hard worker

Other information:

Hey my name is Nasser Matrane I am a 20 year old Moroccan who lives in U.S.A.
I am currently playing for CD Numancia C in Soria, Spain and I want to come trial for your professional team. I play left wing / right wing and I don’t ask for much I just want a chance to prove myself and if you guys take interest in me I don’t even want money or a salary I just want to play and prove myself and jump start my career because I have never played for a club before in my life or academy everything I know is from playing on the streets because I could never afford to join a team in America and I came to Spain on an open try out and I made the team and hopefully I can do the same with you guys.


Jan 2020
Numancia ( Spain )

No professional contracts entered

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