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Player looking for club

Min. net salary: login to view
Transfer fee: login to view
Preferred territory:Preferred territory
Trial conditions:

All accommodations

Additional information:

Official invitation letter from the club

Player represents himself

Mandate: Request mandate

Player details

Name:Anas Bouihiri
Birthday:08 Nov 1997 / 26 years old
Languages:French, english, arabic, spanish
Last contract expired:20 Jul, 2020
Height / Weight: 179 cm. / 75 kg.
  • Left - winger (preferred)
  • Right - winger
  • Striker
Player profile:

POSITION : Forward
Great dribbler and skiller
-Technical ability and ball control
-Leadership and communication
-Excellent long pass and short pass
-Strong and fast
-Good vision


Jan 2020
Vauban Strasbourg ( France )
16 Jul 2024 - 20 Jul 2020

Match summary

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