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KPMG/Sky Football Benchmark on players agents

KPMG's 'Sky Football Benchmark discusses the differences between intermediaries and agents and how often they are involved in players’ transactions. How much do they charge and are they hired more by those who sell or buy?

6 years ago • Link to this post
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City Group or Nestle? What's the difference?

More and more football is just plain and simple business. It is very doubtfull that the City Groups activities will make football more fun. Their talent and club buying strategy undermines a healthy competition between clubs. An equal playing field is more and more difficult to find. There nis nothing wrong with a business trying to act as a regular organization that has the goal to maximise sales and profit. If this is established within a football framework we should also accept that such can not be cobined with a fair sports competition and that sports organizations have to let go of such a principle as basis for professional football. Just accept it is pure business.

6 years ago • Link to this post